HLash LLC is aware of the impact of its actions. Therefore, when using our materials, we pay attention to their recyclability, sustainability and reusability, where possible. We do not use tropical woods.
We support the goals of the UN Global Compact. We recognize and live all the points required here.
In respect to the 3Rs, we are continuously developing our cargo restraint systems to further minimize the impact of cargo securing equipment on the environment.
The different webbing lengths correspond to the necessary lengths within our restraint system. A color system helps the user to position the different webbings correctly. The dyes used are environmentally friendly. We are constantly searching for new materials that are more sustainable for the environment.
Upon request from our customers, we recollect the used restraint systems for the purpose of reconditioning.
Developed as a single-use solution, our cargo restraint systems can easily be used up to three times, considering the discard ‘criteria’. This enables our customers to use the purchased systems in circulation or for internal transports. Even a recurring use (more than 3 times) is possible with our innovative reusable modules.
We offer the reconditioning of our used systems.
All materials used in our cargo restraint systems can be recycled.
About Us
HLash LLC was established to advance the development of cargo securing methods for containers. We develop exactly fitting solutions according to current laws and regulations as well as our customers’ requirements and wishes.
Furthermore, we promote the importance of exactly fitting cargo securement by offering professional training – globally.
Cargo Securing – Exactly Fitting. No more, but never less.