On Sept. 14th, 2016 the practical seminar „Container richtig packen“ (“Container packing – done right”) by ecomed-Storck, in cooperation with the BASF SE and Contargo takes place in Ludwigshafen.
The seminar will allow participants to experience the correct use of various methods of load securement in containers, both in theory and in practice. The event serves as a meeting place to exchange practical knowledge and different approaches to securing loads with experts and advisors on site.
During various presentations in the morning, the focus is placed on the practical implementation of the CTU-Code of Practice. Following these discussions, experts, including the HLash team, will demonstrate their methods and systems with unit loads and containers during different life sessions.
This year Hapag Lloyd will provide and present their innovative Steel Floor-Container. Since HLash cargo restraining systems are already certified for use in Steel Floor Containers, we will showcase our systems within those containers and share our experience. The new type of container flooring combines economic as well as ecological advantages. It is more environmentally friendly, lighter but stronger, easier to clean and keep clean and has a significantly longer life expectancy.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Ludwigshafen!
More information about this event and the opportunity to sign on, can be found under: Praxisseminar “Container richtig packen”
For further information about load securement in containers, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Julia Knaack
Press and public relations
Brühl, 3. June 2016